Tuesday, 12 February 2013

The scene is slowly coming together now with only a few more structural elements needed to fully enclose the room. Then I can begin working on more props and other items to characterise the room and its visitor.

I will also be using some simple Kismet to change the scene from day to night, this will allow me to experiment with two separate lighting schemes.


I sculpted the bed a few days back, found a great antiques website with lots of good looking antique furniture and dozens of images of each piece. I simply adorned it with some geometric, symmetrical motifs synonymous with Dwarves in pretty much every IP.
I've had to put the baking and texturing on hold for the mean time, next week I have an appointment with our literary fellow at Teesside to discuss the written side of the project, so I want to have a substantial first draft for her look at.

Anyway this was a blast and I'm quite happy (if i do say so myself - and i do say so myself) with the cloth wrinkles. But the middle pillow looks a bit like a croissant.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

I had to rebake this today, had some smoothing errors due to the wooden section sharing one smoothing group. I could have baked it down to a single plane but opted for some extra geometry although it's not silhouette defining (I'm conscious my models are too simple).
To resolve the smoothing issue I made the bevels slightly shallower and split the groups (but not the uv shells) so that's all fixed up and there's no noticeable normal bleeding (huzzah!)

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Running Water

Hello again! I do like UDK's Material Editor. This feature and the UE4 demo convinced me to stick with UDK for my project (I was reading up on CE3 over summer). The Material Editor lets you do just about anything you can think of, and I thought it might be cool if there was some sort of leaky water effect on a wall or two. I'm not sure if I'll include it as it doesn't seem consistent with the robust nature of dwarven construction. Anyway, it's fun experimenting and the trickling water can be painted on or off areas of the mesh - vid below!

Running Water Vertex Paint